
Diversion From Landfill


Upparel is on a mission to address textile waste with facilities in Australia and New Zealand. It commits to reusing or repurposing 100% of the textiles it receives.

Upparel will accept all fibres and, after sorting either:

  • Reuse by sending garments that are still wearable to charities, social enterprises and not-for-profits
  • Repurpose. This can take different forms, but the most common is to turn textiles into a cushion-like fibre used as filling furniture and insulation. Upparel also continues to research and develop commercial-scale applications for this recycled material.

Deane now partners with Upparel to process all our obsolete stock which is unable be reused by our not-for-profit partners. This means we're diverting approximately 500kg's of old garments from landfill every year.